Junior Infants
All the Junior Infants were out gardening this week digging up potatoes much to their delight! We also planted some hyacinths bulbs for spring time. We even got Mrs. Mc Sweeney and Dawn to plant a few!
Senior Infants
All the Senior Infants and Mrs. Mc Dougald were helping to build an Insect Hotel. The children set off around the garden to gather straw, old flower pots, twigs, leaves to make a nice cosy environment for the insects such as spiders, butterflies, bees, wasps, beetles, and lacewings. All these creatures help fertilise the garden and aerate the soil.
week we plan to plant some apple trees from Mount Congreve Nursery with 1st/
2nd Class and 3rd/4th Class as well as carving
out some pumpkins for Halloween.