Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Notes from the Garden: February 2015 - Junior & Senor Infants

With still the bite of winter, Valerie and Caroline went into the garden with Junior and Senior Infants. They had great fun warming up the vegetable beds by covering them with dead seaweed collected at Woodstown beach. It seems shells and all went in!

We are preparing for Spring by chitting the potatoes. Juniors did this by placing them in an egg carton and putting them on the classroom windowsill for the potatoes to grow roots. We will plant them outside in three weeks.

The Seniors planted three types of lettuce seeds in a yogurt pot, watered them and put them in their classroom. They are going to water them daily and watch them grow as seedlings,ready to be planted out in three weeks.

We are looking forward to harvesting these at the Easter Fun day and the Sports Day.  Thanks to everyone for their hard work this month. It will be well worth it when we get to eat them!

Clare O'Callaghan